To delete an account, you need to delete first all of its trades.
1. Go to your trading journal, select in the first menu, in the time period, "Custom period", and in the calendar you select the date from when you started using Swiset, or select a date from 2 years ago…up to the current date.
2. In the following Menu "Accounts", select the accounts you want to delete.
3. Then you click on "Apply".
4. At the bottom of the list of your operations, you will see how many rows of operations you want to see per page. Select "All"
5. Go to the start of the list of trades, on the left side select the first box so that the checkbox is activated in all the trades shown.
6. After having selected all of the trades, click on the "Delete Selected" button. Confirm and that's it.
7. Go to your profile, where you have the list of your accounts. Click the "Delete" icon (trash can) for the account you want to delete. Confirm.